Cats of the world

Monday, November 20, 2006

Week 5 : Rollyo

I don’t know if Rollyo is going to be of much help. It just seems like another search engine with different options for dividing up search results. Using the search term ‘cats’ with the category ‘celebrity gossip’ resulted in hits such as the Tom Cruise wedding. Presumbly the word ‘cats’ is in the site somewhere but it seems that the search is dominated more by the category and the timing of the page (one day after his marriage). This is despite adding cat sites when creating the searchroll. So I’m not particularly impressed.

But then again maybe I just need more practise.

Do anyone know how to make the link active?

Week 5 : Library Thing

Having some cataloguing experience I found Library Thing interesting to use. It was difficult to catalogue anything more than twenty years old. A number of books I could not find. For example ‘Pedigree cats and kittens : how to choose and care for them’, written by Paddy Cutts and published in 1981 I could easily find in Libraries Australia but not on Library Thing. Fortunately items can be manually catalogued. But this solution depends on the user having some cataloguing skills needed such as when filling in the dewey field. The date field didn’t indicate if you needed to add only the year. The publication field didn’t indicate if you needed to add place as well as name of publisher. A brief guide would have helped here.

What I did find interesting about this exercise was the use of tags. Like subject headings these can be applied subjectively. However this subjectiveness is taken to a completely different level. An example that I’ve seen in some of the literature is that of the use of the term ‘unread’ as a tag. While this might make sense for the person creating the record it means nothing for anything else looking at the person’s blog. So as far as I can see this means searching will result in as many irrelevant hits as you would get using a search engine. With Library Thing I found that it was not clear how the information was to be entered in the tags field. But it appears to have a thesaurus which automatically separates the tags.

Check out my catalogue at library thing:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Week 5 : image generator

Friday, November 10, 2006

How cute is this?

Cat of the week - catasize

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Week 5: Cataholic

Cat of the week