Cats of the world

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Week 6 : Technorati

Searching for ‘Learning 2.0’ in ‘blog posts’ and ‘tags’ brought up material that was not very relevant, presumably it is searching like a search engine and looking for instances of the terms in the text of the blogs. Searching in ‘blog directory’ was much more successful although it still found items not relevant to the search that had the word ‘learning’ in it.
Technorati has a ‘Top tags for the hour’ which,, as of December 7, included Pearl Harbour, Christmas, shopping, Britney Spears, quite predictable in itself, but also youtube, mp3, ipod and firefox betraying the technology savvy nature of much of its audience. Do I find any of the popular blog, searches and tags interesting or surprising? Depressingly the answer is no for the site is full of the usual nonsense that I would expect to find on the Internet.


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